
Today is the last day!!! This feels surreal to me, this time two weeks ago I would have never imagined that I could have experienced this. It has been an incredible humbling and helpful experience that I will treasure forever. Professor D, Ms. Leila thank you for giving us your all. No matter the outcome I have learned two very valuable things, 1.) it is not  possible to learn to code from scratch and 2.)  you set the limit for your self.

No matter the outcome I will wake up on Saturday and pencil p5 into my schedule because Professor D told me not to give up before I waked out the door yesterday. In has been a pleasure getting to associate with the other s in my class they are all unique and wonderful in their own way. I have my fingers crossed that I will be invited to attend the three weeks session here at Lagcc then on to GA.

Anyway we went over the command line, mentioned HTMl a bit, and Justin became our professor. We were also given time to work on the assignment that are due by 5pm.

So… I will get back to them.This is it for now. Until next time, may the force be with you!